Patients who neglect their gum health are at risk of developing further dental problems, including periodontitis, or gum disease. Gum disease can affect the health and function of your teeth and gums, as well as the supporting bone structure.
At Tarheel Dentistry, Dr. Sarah Cook treats periodontitis and dental concerns like bleeding gums. However, there are some preventative measures you can take at home to reduce your risk of developing gum disease. Try these tips to improve your gum health and overall oral health:
Floss Between Teeth
Flossing removes food particles, plaque, and debris from between your teeth. Because flossing helps removes objects between teeth that brushing cannot reach, it is important to floss and brush teeth every day. Some patients find flossing after each meal beneficial. Particles that are not dislodged from between teeth can be troublesome and attract harmful bacteria.
Brush Your Teeth Consistently
Although it seems obvious that brushing your teeth is an important part of maintaining a healthy smile, it is also an essential part of improving your gum health. Be sure to brush your teeth at least twice a day or after each meal. Brushing not only removes plaque from your tooth enamel but also keeps your breath fresh and clean.
Quit Smoking
If your gums are infected, smoking can prevent them from healing. Your immune system needs to fight off the gum infection. Without the gums keeping harmful bacteria from entering the bloodstream, you are more susceptible to infection and other severe problems such as oral cancer.
Schedule an Appointment
Have you noticed gum inflammation or irritation? Call Tarheel Dentistry’s Chapel Hill, NC dental office for periodontal treatment at (919) 551-8847 today. You may also request a consultation with Dr. Cook on our website. We can prescribe antibacterial rinses, scaling and root planing, or oral surgery to help treat gum disease.